rssShader Ped Normal (shaderpednormal)
Category: | script |
Author(s): | Ren712 |
Downloads: | 6187 |
Rate: | You need to be logged in to vote |
Rating: | 4.7 (16 Votes) |
Resource: Shader Ped Normal v1.0.2
Author: Ren712
update v1.0.0:
-rewritten the resource lua code from scratch
-added shader_dynamic_sky support
This resource works with (but does not require) shader_dynamic_sky:;id=6828
This is a normal map resource for MTA. It enables normal mapping effect for peds.
Also adds sun and moon light to make gtasa lighting a bit more interesting.
It is compatible with the peds created to work with normalmap plugin for gtasa.
The list of functions exported by this resource you will
find here:
This test resource should present a better explanation on how to use them.
1.Download this example:
2.Choose (!SKIN ID 7!) after starting.
Author: Ren712
update v1.0.0:
-rewritten the resource lua code from scratch
-added shader_dynamic_sky support
This resource works with (but does not require) shader_dynamic_sky:;id=6828
This is a normal map resource for MTA. It enables normal mapping effect for peds.
Also adds sun and moon light to make gtasa lighting a bit more interesting.
It is compatible with the peds created to work with normalmap plugin for gtasa.
The list of functions exported by this resource you will
find here:
This test resource should present a better explanation on how to use them.
1.Download this example:
2.Choose (!SKIN ID 7!) after starting.
Version history
Version | Publish Date | Changes | |
1.0.2 | 2015-04-07 23:28:49 | -added some conditionals for c_sunInfluence script when sun is disabled | Download |
1.0.1 | 2015-04-07 22:07:10 | -fixed a typo | Download |
1.0.0 | 2015-04-07 19:12:01 | -rewritten the resource lua code from scratch -added shader_dynamic_sky support |
Download |
0.0.8 | 2014-06-08 20:54:38 | -Fixed some rare lighting issues. | Download |
0.0.7 | 2014-03-17 12:30:28 | -Fixed a typo. | Download |
0.0.6 | 2014-01-09 22:28:14 | -Reapplied gtasa fog for sm 3.0 effect (thanks to ccw for the SM 3.0 pixel shader snippet for fog) -Changed the sobel filter lightness proportions. |
Download |
0.0.5 | 2013-07-30 18:50:40 | First public release | Download |