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rssMod Downloader (moddownloader)

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Rating:4.3 (6 Votes)
= Information
Hello MTA community,
This is a resource that I've made so that vehicle mods don't require a server download, you can download the modded files while you play!

Forum topic: http://forum.mtasa.com/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=86587

SPECIAL NOTE: If your mods fail to download, try restarting your server

- Make sure that this resource has access to "function.restartResource" (If you don't know how to give it access, just add resource.moddownloader to the admin ACL group), this is because the resource needs to be able to restart itself when it detects a new mod.
It modifies the meta.xml to add the new files to it, then restarts it self, to so that the downloadFile function works properly.

- Make sure the resource has access to "function.callRemote" to enable the self update checker( If you don't know how to give it access, just add resource.moddownloader to the admin ACL group)

= Setup
1. Create a new folder in {mta_dir}/server/mods/deathmatch/resources called "ModDownloader"

2. Download the ModDownloader resource from the MTA community website

3. Extract the contents of ModDownloader.zip into the ModDownloader folder

4. Start the resource using /start ModDownloader

5. In game, type /mods to open the interface

6. Add mods using the instructions below

= Installing Mods
Good news, version 1.2 supports vehicle, ped and weapon mods!

1. Find the mod that you wish to install

2. Once the mod is downloaded, place the new .txd and .dff files in /resources/ModDownloader/mods/vehicles

3. Navigate back to the main directory for ModDownloader (where the meta.xml is located -- /resources/ModDownloader) and open 'smods.xml'

4. Find where it says '<vehicles>' - this is where we need to insert your mod

5. Inside the '<vehicles>' and '</vehicles>' past the following line:
<mod name="" txd="" dff="" replace="" />

6. Now you need to fill out the proper information for the line you just inserted. Use the following information for help:
name: This will be the modded vehicle name (eg. Z800 Monster Energy)
txd: This is the name of the .txd file you just put into the 'vehicles' directory (eg. fcr900.txd) (You don't need to include the full file path, just the file name)
dff: This is the name of the .dff file you just put into the 'vehicles' directory (eg. fcr900.dff) (You don't need to include the full file path, just the file name)
replace: This is the vehicle ID that you wish this mod to replace. View vehicle IDs at http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Vehicle_IDs (eg. 521)

Using the example information, my mod line would look like this:
<mod name="Z800 Monster Energy" txd="fcr900.txd" dff="fcr900.dff" replace="521" />

7. Once you have finished inserting your mod(s) you need to save the smods.xml file

8. Once the file has been saved, you need to restart the ModDownloader resource. Use /restart moddownloader - This will check for new mods and add them to the list

9. In game, use /mods to view your mod!

1. Find the mod that you wish to install

2. Once the mod is downloaded, place the new .txd and .dff files in /resources/ModDownloader/mods/skins

3. Navigate back to the main directory for ModDownloader (where the meta.xml is located -- /resources/ModDownloader) and open 'smods.xml'

4. Find where it says '<skins>' - this is where we need to insert your mod

5. Inside the '<skins>' and '</skins>' past the following line:
<mod name="" txd="" dff="" replace="" />

6. Now you need to fill out the proper information for the line you just inserted. Use the following information for help:
name: This will be the modded skins name (eg. New Firefighter LAFD)
txd: This is the name of the .txd file you just put into the 'skins' directory (eg. lafd1.txd) (You don't need to include the full file path, just the file name)
dff: This is the name of the .dff file you just put into the 'skins' directory (eg. lafd1.dff) (You don't need to include the full file path, just the file name)
replace: This is the skin ID that you wish this mod to replace. View skin IDs at https://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Skins:All (eg. 277)

Using the example information, my mod line would look like this:
<mod name="New Firefighter LAFD" txd="lafd1.txd" dff="lafd1.dff" replace="277" />

7. Once you have finished inserting your mod(s) you need to save the smods.xml file

8. Once the file has been saved, you need to restart the ModDownloader resource. Use /restart moddownloader - This will check for new mods and add them to the list

9. In game, use /mods to view your mod!

1. Find the mod that you wish to install

2. Once the mod is downloaded, place the new .txd and .dff files in /resources/ModDownloader/mods/weapons

3. Navigate back to the main directory for ModDownloader (where the meta.xml is located -- /resources/ModDownloader) and open 'smods.xml'

4. Find where it says '<weapons>' - this is where we need to insert your mod

5. Inside the '<weapons>' and '</weapons>' past the following line:
<mod name="" txd="" dff="" replace="" />

6. Now you need to fill out the proper information for the line you just inserted. Use the following information for help:
name: This will be the modded weapons name (eg. Improved Fire Extinguisher)
txd: This is the name of the .txd file you just put into the 'weapons' directory (eg. fire_extinguisher.txd) (You don't need to include the full file path, just the file name)
dff: This is the name of the .dff file you just put into the 'weapons' directory (eg. fire_extinguisher.dff) (You don't need to include the full file path, just the file name)
replace: This is the WEAPON MODEL ID that you wish this mod to replace. View weapon model IDs at https://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Weapons (eg. 366)

Using the example information, my mod line would look like this:
<mod name="Improved Fire Extinguisher" txd="fire_extinguisher.txd" dff="fire_extinguisher.dff" replace="366" />

7. Once you have finished inserting your mod(s) you need to save the smods.xml file

8. Once the file has been saved, you need to restart the ModDownloader resource. Use /restart moddownloader - This will check for new mods and add them to the list

9. In game, use /mods to view your mod!

= Uninstalling mods
1. Stop the "ModDownloader" resource, if it's running

2. Delete the files you wish to remove from "ModDownloader/mods/MOD TYPE"

3. Open meta.xml

4. Remove the <file> child that goes to "mods/MOD TYPE/TXD_FILE"

5. remove the <file> child that goes to "mods/MOD TYPE/DFF_FILE"

6. Save meta.xml and start the resource again

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Version history

Version Publish Date Changes
1.2.1 2015-07-18 07:13:52 Problem with version Download
1.2.0 2015-07-18 07:12:43 Added vehicles, skins and weapon mods
Fixed issue of having to restart server when adding new mods
1.0.1 2015-04-02 07:17:46 Added a self updater & ACL right request Download
1.0.0 2015-04-02 05:26:51 First public release Download