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rssmabako-services (mabako-services)

Author(s):mabako, robhol, XX3
Rate:You need to be logged in to vote
Rating:3.8 (159 Votes)
*Resource is now patched by XX3!*

new_mabako-services is now merged with this resource! Please download version 2.4.0 or newer if you want this for MTA SA 1.0 and newer.

mabako-services is a resource that enables you to go to
Pay'n'Sprays, Food Shops, Ammu-nations.

In food shops, you can buy food that can replenish your health with some money.

Pay'n'Spray is the same as what is done in GTA SA, you pay $100, change colours, and fix the car in just a few seconds.

In Ammu-nations, you can buy weapons. It provides jetpack, so you can fly, with limits by fuel. The ammu-nation doesn't include heavy weapons and some other weapons.

Thread & Bug report + edited interiors: http://forum.mtasa.com/viewtopic.php?f=108&t=26027

Please make sure you DO NOT HAVE interiors-resource loaded, or remove the FDBURG, FDCHICK, FDPIZA and AMMUN1 - AMMUN5-parts, or download the edited ones on the forum link.


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Version history

Version Publish Date Changes
2.4.1 2015-07-27 13:26:45 Fixed GUI warnings, adjusted some text and recoded all .lua files to UTF-8. Download
2.4.0 2011-02-26 14:18:57 Patched to make this work in 1.0 or newer, added peds behind the counter, replacing the markers. Also made the pay'n'spray garage open and adding help.xml so people won't get confused. Download
2.3.1 2008-07-30 00:56:50 accidently forget to remove some output Download
2.3.0 2008-07-30 00:43:15 Pay'N'Sprays change vehicle colors too Download
2.2.0 2008-01-29 20:48:59 First public release Download