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rssVehicleReplaySystem (vehiclereplaysystem)

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Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruxhzN-4jik&ab_channel=JackFrost

This resource allows players to record, replay, and manage vehicle recordings.


/startrec <seconds> - Start recording for the specified duration in seconds.

/saverec <name> - Save the current recording with the specified name.

/playrec [id] - Play a saved recording by its ID. If no ID is provided, play the most recent recording (including unsaved ones).

/stoprep - Stop the currently playing replay.

/delrec <id> - Delete a saved recording by its ID.

/checkreplays - List all saved replays with their IDs and timestamps.

/openrecgui or F6 default hotkey - Open the Replay System GUI.

Server Settings:
1. Max replays per player: 5 (default)
2. Max duration: 60 seconds (default)
3. Allow player warping: false (default)

These settings can be modified in the `replay_config.xml` file by the server owner only. The server checks for changes in these settings when the resource starts and updates them accordingly.

1. Set vehicle as camera target: Players can choose to set the replay vehicle as the camera target during playback.

2. Stop replay: Players can stop an ongoing replay using the /stoprep command or through the GUI.

3. Delete replay: Players can delete their saved replays using the /delrec command or through the GUI.

4. Automatic saving: Players can choose to automatically save a recording when starting it.

5. Replay list: The GUI provides a list of saved replays with details such as ID, name, vehicle, timestamp, duration, and location.
(*If you're experiencing issues with starting the replay through the GUI, USE COMMANDS they are more reliable*).

6. Warp to replay location: Players can warp to the starting location of a saved replay (if allowed by server settings).

7. Customizable hotkeys: Players can change the hotkey to toggle the GUI.

8. Default recording duration: Players can set a default recording duration in the settings.

Important Notes (Please read):

- Each player is given total of 5 recordings, with a maximum duration of 60 seconds each, due to performance reasons.

- Recording is saved on the server side, max size for a recording (60 seconds) is approximately 0.8 MB. (4 MB total for each player).

- Decreasing max_duration or max_replays_per_player will cause old replays that exceed the new limit to be deleted.

- This resource **STILL IN BETA**. Users may encounter bugs, performance issues, or sometimes experience long loading times when starting a replay or populating the recordings list.

- Restart the resource if replays are not behaving as expected.

- Report bugs back to [email protected]

Additional Notes:

- The script uses a SQLite database to store replay data on the server.

- Replays are saved with various details, including vehicle properties like color, paintjob, and license plate.

- The script includes a system to prevent saving duplicate replays.

- There's a countdown feature when starting a new recording.

- The recording progress is displayed on the screen during active recording.


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Version history

Version Publish Date Changes
1.1.0 2024-09-16 20:45:08 - Added replay pause/resume button (commands: /pauserep and /resumerep).

- Added replay speed multiplier (command: /repspeed).

- Reduced recorded data size for a 60 sec replay (max)
4 MB -> 2 MB.

- Improved replay smoothness.
1.0.0 2024-09-08 11:25:20 First public release Download