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rssGTAV radar (gtavradar)

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Rating:3.9 (75 Votes)
This resource will receive occasional updates but only if I have spare time.

Author: Addlibs (formerly MrTasty)


GTA:V styled radar.

Please rate & comment, but most importantly, enjoy.

Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (See "LICENSE.rtf" in top level directory)

- Configurable (top section of render.lua)
- Minimap
- MTA blips supported (with custom icons based on element data 'customIcon', and blip rotations on 'blipRotation' element data)
- Projectile blips supported (set to incoming targeted missiles only by default)
- Health display w/ changing colours
- Armor display
- Oxygen display
- Supports higher lung capacity skill (UNDERWATER_STAMINA, id 225) and higher max health (MAX_HEALTH, id 24)

You may contact me through forum PM: https://forum.mtasa.com/messenger/compose/?to=35577


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Version history

Version Publish Date Changes
2.0.2 2018-08-16 15:38:55 Hotfix for non-custom blips using blip color (they appeared red because createBlip by default creates a blip with RGB 255, 0, 0 rather than 255, 255, 255) Download
2.0.1 2018-08-16 15:36:06 Hotfix: Fixed projectiles not being blipped when targeting localPlayer's vehicle rather than the localPlayer only Download
2.0.0 2018-08-12 23:56:17 Overhauled script with optimisation in mind; runs 4x faster (20% CPU time to 5% CPU time) (still not perfect in terms of efficiency, but further optimisations will require abandoning MTA blips / element datas, moving from a render-target based implementation to a shader-based one, changing loops to ranged loops rather than pairs, etc - if you're interested in attempt to make this faster, feel free to do so but stick to the license terms); implemented projectile blips; added blip rotation option; and more. Download
1.0.7 2015-01-13 18:21:34 Added srzika's GTAV HUD to the meta - download earlier release if you want just the radar. Download
1.0.6 2015-01-13 18:04:41 Fixed the radar's 2:3 ratio (blips should be fairly accurate on any resolution now), fixed radar map not disappearing when interior world isn't 0. Download
1.0.5 2015-01-13 17:44:00 Fixed blips not appearing, fixed north blip and its size, fixed far-away blips wrapping, removed some mistakes in code (such as exports to my other resources), fixed typos (such as HUD component names) Download
1.0.2 2015-01-01 01:42:22 Updated north blip, even more accurate now. Download
1.0.1 2015-01-01 01:30:01 Blips no longer show up if client is in the wrong interior/dimension. North blip is more accurate. Download
1.0.0 2014-12-30 18:12:22 First public release Download