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rssTrucking System (trucking system)

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"Trucking" with a unique yellow color and sets up a series of markers for job initiation, vehicle spawning, and delivery. The main features and functionalities of this script are as follows:

Team Creation:
A "Trucking" team is created with a yellow color when the resource starts.

Markers and Blips:
First Marker: Opens a GUI when a player enters it, offering buttons to "Accept Job" or "Cancel". Accepting the job moves the player to the "Trucking" team and instructs them to start delivering goods.
Second Marker: Spawns a delivery vehicle for the player if they are in the "Trucking" team. The vehicle is marked with a blip to guide the player.
Third Marker: A dynamic delivery location that changes after each delivery. The marker's location is chosen from a predefined list, ensuring that each location is used once before any location is reused. The blip for this marker is created when the marker is set up.

Delivery Vehicle Management:
The vehicle spawned at the second marker is tracked, and a blip is attached to it. If the vehicle is destroyed or exploded, the player can request a new vehicle, and a new delivery location is assigned.
The script ensures that only one delivery vehicle can be spawned per player at a time. If the vehicle is destroyed, the player is informed and allowed to start a new trip.

Delivery Reward System:
Upon successfully delivering the vehicle to the third marker, the player receives a reward. If the vehicle's health is 100%, the player is rewarded with $2000. If the vehicle's health is less than 100%, a penalty of $70 per percentage point of damage is deducted from the reward.
After each successful delivery, the reward amount is increased by $200 for the next delivery.


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Version history

Version Publish Date Changes
1.5.0 2024-06-14 19:01:55 Fixed Delivery locations

Added another location for Job and Spawner

Fixed buggy vehicles

Fixed blips bug

You can now use /vehicleinfo to check your vehicle's health and destination location name

If you got killed during the delivery and the vehicle is still alive, you can still use it to deliver the goods to the destination

If the truck got destroyed, you'll need to request for another trip from the spawner

If the truck got submerged in water, you'll need to request for another trip as-well from the spawner.
1.4.0 2024-06-14 06:49:38 Added skin change Download
1.3.0 2024-06-14 06:44:24 Fixed some algorithms Download
1.2.0 2024-06-14 06:36:05 Fixed markers visibility and added dxDrawText Download
1.1.0 2024-06-14 05:35:40 Fixed locations bug Download
1.0.0 2024-06-14 05:24:54 First public release Download