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rssC-Panel (c-panel)

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C-Panel v3.6.1

Author: Castillo

New admin panel apart from Lil toady's, this resource includes many things to manage your server, list of features below.

[*] Player info, account name, ip, serial, money, skin, team, position
[*] User friendly GUI panel
[*] Player name changer
[*] Mute / UnMute
[*] Kick
[*] Freeze / Unfreeze
[*] Slap
[*] Give jetpack / Remove jetpack
[*] Spectate / Un-Spectate
[*] Jail / Unjail
[*] Kill
[*] Set sky color / Reset Sky color
[*] Bomb to blow players
[*] Burn
[*] Eject driver from car
[*] Zap
[*] Shout at player screen
[*] Give vehicle / Blow vehicle / Destroy vehicle
[*] Admin announce
[*] Clear chat
[*] Set team / Create team
[*] Set Water color / Reset Water color
[*] Bans list
[*] Resources list / Start resource / Stop resource / Restart resource
[*] Unban IP / Unban Serial
[*] Ban IP / Ban Serial
[*] Give weapons
[*] Set money
[*] Resource settings
[*] Report system
[*] Admin hide

And... much more!

Credits to:
- R3mp : For the guieditor.
- Special thanks to 50p from mta forums for helping me with some features.
- Special thanks to xownage for helping me to make the bans lists.

Warning: If you ban for 0 Seconds it means you banned him forever.



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Version history

Version Publish Date Changes
3.6.1 2011-09-03 12:01:00 Fixed repair vehicle function. Download
3.6.0 2011-09-03 11:49:54 Fixed input when kicking a player, fixed not removing admin chat bind on stop. Download
3.5.0 2011-09-03 11:32:01 Fixed several bugs caused by MTA 1.1, implemented some 1.1 functions. Download
3.1.0 2011-05-23 23:56:02 Fixed: Zap function wasn't working. Download
3.0.0 2011-05-23 19:28:19 Totally reworked GUI panel, new functions, new script code (no bugs so far), from about 2000 lines to just about 1000 lines, many other changes/bugfixes, but i can't remember them all. Download
2.1.0 2010-07-06 02:01:19 Download
2.0.0 2010-06-15 08:59:43 Download
1.0.0 2010-06-09 08:40:44 First public release Download